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Align Chiropractic & Acupuncture


Photo by Art Sidner

Fairmont: Align Chiropractic & Acupuncture

Three people influenced Dr. Zephanie Skow’s interest in chiropractic. Growing up the daughter of a Fairmont veterinarian, Skow was involved with 4H and FFA, and showed poultry, beef cows, and horses. She loved animals, and when little, thought she wanted to grow up to be a veterinarian, like dad. Said 26-year-old Dr. Skow, “I’d get to ride in the vet truck with him, and I remember helping him deliver baby calves. He would always say I was his little helper. My dad was into (natural) alternative medicine with livestock. With him, it wasn’t always drugs fixing an animal’s problem.”

While her father spawned her interest in natural healing, her mother taught her about chiropractic. “My mom always likes telling everyone I’m her miracle baby. I have brothers 10 and 15 years older. Mom wanted another baby, but was having trouble (conceiving). She had been going to a chiropractor her whole life, and found one in the Cities who said she wasn’t ovulating, which was why she hadn’t been becoming pregnant. The chiropractor adjusted her and gave her a homeopathic supplement.” The treatment worked.

Her third influence has been Dr. Timothy Hamp, a Fairmont chiropractor, who helped her through a high school tennis injury, mentored her, and who, upon her graduation at College of Chiropractic at Northwestern Health Sciences University last November, offered her rental space in his building. She opened her own business in February 2014. She always knew she would come home to Fairmont, and has joined the local chamber of commerce.

She said, “From early childhood, I’ve always enjoyed helping animals and people. I enjoy having patients come back and say, “Man you really helped me.” Her treatment focus is on nerve interference, i.e., figuring out why a particular nerve is irritated, in order to treat everything from lower backaches to headaches and more. She is also a certified acupuncturist.

Align Chiropractic & Acupuncture
Address: 1125 Spruce Street
Telephone: 507-235-8485

Daniel Vance

A former Editor of Connect Business Magazine