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Fore Seasons Golf

Photo: Art Sidner

Mankato: Fore Seasons Golf

Brothers Josh and Kyle Blackman virtually grew up on the fairways and greens of Mankato Golf Club. In August 2012, they purchased Tee 2 Green, and renamed the full-service golf store “Fore Seasons Golf.”

“Our dad was a member of Mankato Golf Club,” said 40-year-old Josh Blackman, brother of 34-year-old Kyle. “For both of us, our earliest summer memories are of going to the Club, swimming at the pool, golfing all day, and going back to swimming. Our dad was really open to us tagging along with his friends to watch them all play golf on the weekends. They had a lot of fun playing.”

Blackman said golf became his focus one day at age 13, when he made the conscious decision of choosing playing a round of golf over going to baseball practice.

He and his brother aren’t hackers. Josh has won the Club championship four times and the 2005 Minnesota Golf Association Mid-Amateur Championship. Kyle has won the Loren Krugel Invitational, nearly ten professional “mini-tour” wins, and played in the U.S. Open in 2000 and 2001.

As for the latter, said Josh, “I caddied for my brother and being there at the U.S. Open was kind of surreal. Here we were just a couple of North Mankato kids showing up at Pebble Beach and the U.S. Open.”

As for their business, said Josh, “It’s a perfect fit for us. I like the fact that being a golf nut I get to see the latest greatest technology before anyone else. It’s all in the store. I get to see and touch it every day. And it’s fun helping customers wanting to get better, either through equipment or through lessons.”

The business sells golf equipment and apparel, and has two golf simulators, which many area golfers in organized leagues use to “play” some of the world’s best golf courses throughout the winter, including Pebble Beach. Fore Seasons Golf carries name brand lines such as Taylor-Made, Adidas, Under Armour, Callaway, Adams, and Cleveland. It also sells used equipment.

Location: 201 North Victory Drive (next to MGM Liquor)
Phone: 507-386-7383


Daniel Vance

A former Editor of Connect Business Magazine