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Jiffy Lube

Photo: Art Sidner

Mankato: Jiffy Lube

The new owner of Jiffy Lube franchises in Mankato and Rochester, Tony Chahine (pronounced Shuh-HEE-nee), was raised in a close-knit, middle-class family in Los Angeles where dad had a security-related job and mom stayed at home. He always enjoyed helping family members with work around the house or garage. “They taught me to respect people, do the job right, and never cheat or lie,” said 30-year-old Chahine in a telephone interview. “And I really enjoyed working on my father’s vehicles.”

After getting straight A’s in high school, he majored in business finance at California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly) and graduated in 2003 with a bachelor’s degree. He said, “I wanted to do more in life than have a security job (like my father). I liked the idea of having my own business and had always thought about it. With my own business, I could work more than nine to five—I could work twelve hours if I wanted. I was taught to work hard. If you ask me to do something, I will make sure it gets done right. I won’t do it halfway.”

While a Cal Poly student, he met one Sunday at his Greek Orthodox Church a Jiffy Lube five-store franchisee and began working for him. “Elias is like a dad to me and like part of the family,” said Chahine. “He likes to help people, will answer any question, gives advice, and asks how you are doing. He is approachable.”

In April 2011, Elias helped Chahine purchase Jiffy Lube franchises in Mankato and Rochester. Chahine moved to Rochester first, where he attended a Greek Orthodox Church, and recently to Mankato. “I had never been to Minnesota before,” he said. “I had to learn all the different places to go and how to drive in the snow. I like the people here.”

The Jiffy Lube in Rochester employs six; Mankato, ten. In part, the business offers oil changes, radiator and transmission flushes, tire rotation, air and cabin air filters, and wiper and serpentine belt replacements. What does he like best about being a new Jiffy Lube franchisee? “I like helping people,” he said.

Telephone: 507-388-5823
Address: 1664 Madison Avenue
Hours:  M-F 8-6; SA 8-5; SU 11-5

Daniel Vance

A former Editor of Connect Business Magazine