Author: Daniel Vance

Feature Story

Arabian Horse Times

You can get a feel for Arabian Horse Times from reading a recent feature article: “Da Vinci is the quintessential Classic Arabian—both in phenotype and genotype. His head is exquisitely short and from the front perfectly triangular; the eyes, set low on a wide forehead, are large and dark, surrounded by pronounced and chiseled occipital and cheekbones.”

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Cover Story

Sir Henry Wellcome

An Historical Special

Imagine a businessperson from southern Minnesota with a legacy far greater than Bill Bresnan, Glen Taylor, Lowell Andreas, and the Rosen brothers’—combined. One such person existed, and yet his cherished name has been nearly forgotten around here, save for a few dusty books hidden in an abandoned Garden City building and the plastic lettering on two local schools.

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Hot Startz!

Ad Mfg., ABC Office Supplies, Bendura

Fairmont: AdMfg. – Owner Ruth Theobald founded AdMfg Inc. on January 1. Her career path has taken many twists and turns, yet seems a perfect background for her current venture.

Le Center: ABC Office Supplies – 37-year-old Brad Arndt was homegrown, graduated from Le Center High, and majored in multi-housing management at college.

St. Peter: Bendura – When starting injection molding company Rolco in 1980, Vern Olson also had a “rep company” called Olson Sales LLC.

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Hot Startz!

Between The Bridges Healing Center, Cooks & Company, ISJ Regional Women’s Imaging Center

Mankato: Between The Bridges Healing Center – Earlier this year, Dr. Jeff Kotulski began Between the Bridges Healing Center in the former ProGrowth Bank building at 45 Teton Lane.

St. Peter: Cooks & Company – Veteran retailer Carol Hayes moved Cooks & Company last October to 316 S. Minnesota.

Mankato: ISJ Regional Women’s Imaging Center – Chief Radiologist Dr. Michael Wolf helped open the ISJ Regional Women’s Imaging Center in January 2009.

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This month dandelions begin popping and outdoor grills warming. Hopefully, your company sales will heat up along with spring weather. We hope you enjoy another edition of our area’s only locally owned business magazine. That said, buckle your seat belts and away we go….

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Feature Story

Inspired Technologies

He was a natural-born, one-in-a-million businessman, and nearly everything he touched turned from thin air to glittering gold. The company Wagner had co-founded, Inspired Technologies—and for that matter, most of the other companies he had co-founded over the years, including Lake Prairie Egg, Pharmacist’s Ultimate Health, and Geo Mask—had been or were widely acclaimed business success stories.

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Cover Story

Lori Wightman

President of 500—employee New Ulm Medical Center

Eingang zur Klinik. It’s German for “Entrance to the Clinic.” New Ulm Medical Center has a healthy number of these Eingang zur Klinik signs in its hospitable hallways to help send ailing German tourists to the appropriate doctor. The signposts are fitting indicators. In heavily Teutonized New Ulm, after all, people would expect hospital and clinic signs to speak auf Deutsch.

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Feature Story

15 Years – Special Section

Learn what’s new with more than 75 people featured on our cover.

In September 1996, we began our current format of in-depth cover story interviews by featuring U.S. Reps. David Minge and Gil Gutknecht. In part, we changed formats because of earnestly believing most readers would prefer learning about people rather than products or issues, which had dominated our magazine’s early content. Business, after all—and anyone having been in business knows—consists primarily of people in relationship to others.

In addition, we believed a business was best discovered through its leader’s mind and heart. Business culture always begins at the top and filters down. It’s the leader that really makes a business beat and with whom people really need to “connect.” Businesses are unique only because their leaders have been unique, and that uniqueness usually arises from a leader’s upbringing, character, response to failure and success, taste for risk, and adaptability.

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Hot Startz!

Olive Leaf Pantry, DCS Fitness, WOW! Zone

Fairmont: Olive Leaf Pantry – Selling hard-to-find grocery, dairy, and frozen items benefiting people whose bodies can’t tolerate gluten, lactose, nuts, eggs, soy, tree nuts or other foods.

Mankato: DCS Fitness – “I decided I wanted to begin competing in figure and bodybuilding—that’s what started the idea of opening DCS Fitness.”

Mankato: WOW! Zone – Over the last six years, Pam and Doug DeMarce were regularly discussing “doing something” because of their running out of space on Victory Drive to expand.

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