Editor's Letter

Singin’ Downtown!

If you’re an oldies radio fan, you most certainly remember—and probably still hear occasionally—Petula Clark’s No. 1 1964 pop hit, “Downtown.” Clark’s lilting soprano praised a Manhattan neon nighttime arts and music scene that could ward off loneliness and boredom—a warm and friendly place where “everything’s waiting for you.”

Our cover story subjects, Mike and Cathy Brennan of Mankato-based Brennan Companies, have been humming Petula Clark’s praises for more than 20 years, beginning when the pair caught a vision for downtowns in general while living in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. They own Brennan Construction and Brennan Properties, and have been two voices among many trying to help transform Downtown Mankato into something special.

Also this November/December issue, we feature WholeLifeLeadership, one of Diane Norland’s many adventures, and quiet giant Corporate Graphics Commercial, which has been flexing inky biceps.

Our very best to you this joyous Christmas season—or whatever you prefer calling this time of year.

Sursum ad summum,

Daniel J. Vance

Daniel Vance

A former Editor of Connect Business Magazine