Hot Startz!

Hot Startz: Kitchen, Baths, and More 

Kitchen, Baths and More has been a booming business ever since they opened back in 2007 and with their new location in Mankato, they are ready to help with the latest remodel or design for your home or business. 

Jake Schrom, President of Kitchen, Baths, and More for the last seven years, said he started the company after a long-time supplier’s retirement. 

“My dad’s favorite cabinet and window representative retired and he couldn’t find a replacement.  He started supplying materials for his own projects, and eventually started selling to others,” Schrom said. 

Today, they have the right employees that help them design and supply materials for construction projects. They also have an interior design studio that supplies cabinets, countertops, tile, flooring, blinds, hardware, and more. 

While they primarily work in the Mankato area, they have worked on projects throughout southern Minnesota. 

Schrom said they are a part of so many projects because the Mankato area has not stopped building or remodeling. 

“We are thankful to be working in a growing community,” Schrom added. “Our plans for the future are to keep working toward providing our customers the best service and to help our employees reach their goals.” 

Kitchen, Baths, and More has been built from the community’s support, with a foundation rooted in Schrom’s “buy local” philosophy, even if the support is for another company in town. 

We asked him why someone should choose his business, and he humbly offered this message of support for all of the local competitors. 

“There are a lot of great locally owned businesses in town. If people are shopping locally, we will all be okay,” Schrom said. “I think people should shop local because of the service they will receive, and that is why people should come to see us, and others like us, instead of going to the big box stores. I think people tend to shy away from local places because they feel obligated to make a purchase, when really, we just appreciate being considered.” 

You can find their new location on Riverfront Drive in Mankato. 


Contact Information 

1116 N Riverfront Dr 

Mankato, MN 56001 

Phone: (507) 257-5100 


Facebook: @KBMcabinets 

Ashley Hanley

A freelance writer from Mankato.