Feature Story

Barry Pallet

In the 1980s, Richard Berry’s pallet business was a part-time venture out of his garage while he spent his days working at his full-time job. Now, 25 years later, Berry Pallets has grown large enough to warrant its own assembly building and offices. Berry oversees 36 employees and turns out 8-10,000 pallets a week, offering about 30 types of pallets to clients across the state.

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Hot Startz!

Marco’s Pizza

Pam Breeden, acting general manager of Marco’s Pizza, grew up in Grand Rapids, Minnesota, where her mother worked in a dental office and her dad drove truck for Coca-Cola. In a telephone interview, 32-year-old Breeden said, “My dad always said if you’re going to do something, then do it right. He would lead by example. I learned from both my parents to always pay attention to detail and take pride in your work.”

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Feature Story

Erbert & Gerbert’s – Mike Steindl

A long, long time ago, back when people didn’t eat sandwiches, a thoughtful soul named Mike Steindl dreamed of owning four successful Erbert & Gerbert’s sandwich shops, in Mankato, St. Peter, Mankato (again) and North Mankato. Except back then he didn’t know where the shops would be or even what a sandwich was because he and his neighbors ate only asparagus.

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Feature Story

Melcher’s Power Vac

Five days after surviving a heart attack, Steve Melcher greets the Connect Business Magazine reporter with a handshake and credits his survival to exercise, a healthful diet, and divine intervention. His heredity gets the blame for the two plugged arteries that caused the attack. He said, “I’m the oldest of four boys, and they all have heart issues. Some have already had surgery.”

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