
Feature Story

Dulcimer Medical Center

Dr. Steven Parnell shows off Dulcimer Medical Center like a proud homeowner giving a tour to a guest. Each room at the Fairmont, Minn., clinic has a title and distinct theme. This, he explains, keeps the clinic from seeming too, well, clinical. The Sports room features athletic equipment and memorabilia from local teams, including assorted red and white Fairmont homecoming buttons dating back to 1951 that a patient gave to Parnell.

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Grace Notes

Changing Fairmont From the Ground Up

The people of Fairmont have an idea about how to make their city a better place. Actually, the people of Fairmont have several ideas. Actually, the people of Fairmont have 1,686 ideas—and they’re still coming. All those ideas are part of “Project 1590,” a citywide project that has brought together everyone from city officials to local businesses to regular citizens.

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Hot Startz!

JL Computers

John Landsteiner is only 21, and as a Fairmont native before age 18 attended two different high schools in Wisconsin, and two colleges, Presentation College and Minnesota West. He technically began his business two years ago, but didn’t have a storefront until recently.

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