Special Reports

REDA: Coming to the Table

Every community knows the importance of courting new businesses and helping nurture the businesses that are already there: more jobs, more property taxes, more money flowing back into the local economy. For decades, the model for economic development revolved around each city jealously guarding its economic interests, snagging interested businesses that came through the area and focusing on the area within its own borders.

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Cover Story

Mark Carlson of Walmart

The Wisconsin native first discovered his love for team dynamics in high school, playing on the football team. He pursued that passion into college, playing as the tight-end on the college football team for four years even though his school didn’t offer football scholarships. After he graduated, he looked for a job that could offer him that same team spirit, and he found it in a rather surprising place: Walmart.

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Editor's Letter

Always Keep Improving

When it comes to business, remaining the same is usually not the best business model. Shrewd business owners and entrepreneurs realize that for a business to thrive, it needs to keep growing and improving. That expansion can happen in many ways, whether it’s adding a location, a product line or a new employee.

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Grace Notes

One Year Anniversary

It’s hard to believe that this issue marks the one-year anniversary for my time here as editor. Technically, I started on Jan. 2, 2015, but the first issue that was “mine” was our March 2015 spread. I remember walking into my office on Jan. 2 and thinking, “They must have made a mistake. Why on earth did they hire me?”

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